Melbourne Days in St. Petersburg

Posted 20 May 2019 · (3194 views)

Between 16 to 23 April Saint-Petersburg (sister city of Melbourne) hosted celebrations to commemorate 30-year anniversary of sister-city relationship.

he festivities were opened by Mr E. D. Grigoriev the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of St. Petersburg’s administration. Mr Grigoriev noted in his opening words that ‘even though our cities are separated by 15 thousand kilometers, this distance is not a hindrance for friendly communications. 30 years of partnership which we celebrate this year show that international cooperation is stronger than political tactical trends. Throughout all these years St. Petersburg and Melbourne cooperated progressively both in economic, and in the humanitarian sphere. We worked successfully together on the implementation of school and university exchanges, the organization of tours and exhibitions, holding joint sporting events and business projects».

Many guests from Melbourne came over to St. Petersburg to participate in celebrations. Among the invitees were arts, science, education professionals and representatives of friendship association Melbourne — St. Petersburg.

On April 16 phono exhibition ‘Melbourne — the City and People’ were opened in the main building of National Library of Russia. The works of many Melbourne photographers provided audience with a glimpse into the life of our city and its inhabitants. The delegation of Melbourne, the honorary consul of Australia in St. Petersburg Sebastian Fitzlyon, representatives of educational and cultural institutions of St. Petersburg participated in the opening ceremony. The photo exhibition was opened until April 23.

On April 17 the famous ‘LenFilm’ movie studio put on a session of Australian cinema. ‘Crime and Punishment’ by Australian film director Andrew O’Keefe was presented to the Russian public. After the movie the audience had a chance to speak to the director himself via videoconference.

In a few days, the museum of Dostoyevsky hosted the reading of the play by Judy Armstrong ‘Chekhov and the lady’. And on April 22 the reading of the English version of this play took place at the Memorial library of Prince G.v. Golitsyn.

The delegation from Melbourne also visited school No. 606 and Boris Eifman’s Academy of Dance.

Reciprocal festivities «Days of St. Petersburg in Melbourne» will take place in Melbourne in September — October this year. The City of Melbourne and association of friendship Melbourne — St. Petersburg will act as event managers.

The author of this article is grateful to the Committee on Foreign Relations of Saint-Petersburg and to its press-secretary Ms Polina Vavilova for the providing information and amazing photographs.


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