Who is the richest in the world?

Posted 23 December 2021 · (1617 views) · 1 people like this

By the end of the year, financial publications Forbes, CEOWorld and a number of others are making lists of the richest people on the planet. In the 2021 list, Forbes included more than 2,600 billionaires from around the world, their total fortune is $ 13.6 trillion, which is 10 times the gross domestic product of Australia. Forbes' 2021 list of billionaires includes 614 people from the United States, 388 from China, and more than 100 people from Germany and India.

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  • Mstislav Knyazev 1 year ago

    it's interesting for me... now Western sanctions give a good blow on Russian billionaires. it's a good topic for you to investigate.