Nora Krouk: Poetry Is Happiness

Posted 14 April 2020 · (6353 views) · 2 people like this

April 17 marks the 100th anniversary of the poet Nora Krouk. She has been living in Sydney for over 40 years. A few years ago, warm literary meetings gathered in her cozy house in the eastern part of the city, young authors received spiritual and professional support, as well as an amazing opportunity to touch the huge historical layer of Russian poetry of the eastern branch of the Russian Abroad. The poet's creative life began in China - Harbin and Shanghai, then there were almost twenty years of life in Hong Kong. With the permission of the poet and creator of the literary portal "Unity" Natasha Crofts, we publish today excerpts from her articles and interviews with Nora Krouk.

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  • Trevar Langland 5 years ago

    Congratulations Nora
    Wonderful life and rich culture to us all
    Trevar Langland
    State President
    Fellowship Australian writers Nsw

  • Алекс Джонс 5 years ago


    Не захлебнитесь русскими стихами,
    Не ломайте руки и карандаши,
    Не умывайтесь перед сном стихами
    В парижской зацелованной глуши.

    Не стесняйтесь жизни сладкой и спокойной,
    Не ходите поздно ночью вы по Харбину,
    А ведите все и везде себя достойно
    Принимая, как Россию, эту чужбину.

    Автор просит, девочки и дети,
    За руки возьмитесь, образуйте круг
    Пожелайте громко «Много лета»
    Поэтессе Норе Крук.