Studying Russian at the Saturday School of Community Languages

Опубликовано 11 Декабрь 2017 · (4260 views)

The Saturday School of Community Languages offers a new Russian course for students in Years 7-9 starting in 2018. The school gives students the opportunity to study the languages that are not offered at their weekday school.

The school is a public secondary school which delivers face-to-face lessons only on Saturdays. Over 3000 students in Years 7-12, from both government and non-government schools are enrolled.

Saturday School students follow Board of Studies, Teacher and Educational Standards Russian syllabuse. Russian course is based on the NSW Board of Study Stage 4-5 Syllabus and will be counted as a school subject. The learning outcomes set the standard for all the assessments as well as the yearly Examination.

Russian teachers use a variety of strategies to assess each student's work. This includes observing their work in class and looking closely at the work they produce throughout the year.

Teachers also assess each student's achievements based on the outcomes of the syllabuses of each course. A written report is sent home usually near the end of Term 2 and Term 4 to give a clear picture of student achievement.

We provide detailed information to students about what is expected from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students in all year groups receive an assessment task notification for each task at least 2 weeks before the date of the task

 Parent/caregiver - teacher meetings

Parents/caregivers will have the opportunity to discuss their child's progress at a parent-teacher meeting during the year. However, if there are any issues you wish to discuss with your child's teacher, please contact the centre supervisor to arrange an appointment.

Many universities in Australia take into consideration Russian studies as it is a rare language.

What are the benefits?

Studying Russian as a community language:

provides an opportunity to develop good levels of skills in Russian, including the beginners students who want to start learning Russian.
improves performance across the curriculum through enhanced literacy skills which are transferable to English
helps maintain rewarding relationships with parents, grandparents, relatives and other community members
promotes a sense of cultural identity, resulting in heightened self-confidence and self-esteem
places students in a better position to take advantage of employment opportunities.

2018 Enrolment Application Forms

Please remember that all applications need the home school principal's signature, the school stamp and must be sent through the home school.

Please refer to Enrolment Application Forms 2018 for the enrolment applications:

Please call or email Dr Maria Lobytsyna for further information: or call 0407 176 274 (m)


Русский язык в субботней школе для 7-10 классов: школьный предмет по субботам.

Субботняя государственная школа в Chatswood в предлагает в 2018 году курс русского языка для школьников 7-10 классов, который засчитывается как школьный предмент в школах нашего штата. Так как русский язык не предлагается в школах штата, желающие могут изучать его как часть школьной программы  по субботам с 8.30 до 10.30 в Chatswood.

Субботняя школа языков -государственная школа, которая следует программе Отдела образования, включая все необходимые тесты и экзамены. Reports (отчеты) как и в основной школе будут отправлены на домашний адрес школьников.

Формы можно распечатать с сайта школы::

По всем вопросам пожалуйста обращайтесь к Марии Владимировне Лобыцыной: or call 0407 176 274 (m)

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