Русский клуб встреч в Австралии готовится к рекорду

Опубликовано 20 Февраль 2022 · (2059 views) · 2 people like this

Журналист Людмила Штепанкова побеседовала с участниками нового сообщества русскоязычных в Мельбурне и за его пределами.

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  • Виктория 2 years ago

    (рука-лицо)... Не БрисбАн, а БрисбЕн. На худой конец - Брисбн.

  • Sveta 2 years ago

    it appears you are not publishing all comments in relation to this article, especially true reflections on the Yuri's involvement with the members of the group (All comments are here. Please check before put a blame. Editor)

  • Tanya 2 years ago

    It is in my observation that information provided by Yuri is untrue and this article, in my opinion, does not reflect the “ reality “ of his intentions

  • alex 2 years ago

    Absolutely not truth. Group have only max 20 active people.All others joined but not realy participated.This only group for Yury and few aged people